STAN - The Short-Track Analyzer Project:
Measuring the Forces Along a Short-Track Skate

an FPGA The NASA Control Center

Keywords: Short-Track Skate, Force Measuring Device, Biomechanical Optimization, Drill Efficiency

Motivation: By its very nature, short-track skaters depend on their speed . In order to maximize it, they usually do quite a large number of weight lifting sessions. But the muscle strength alone is not sufficient; it is also necessary to bring it onto the ice by means of the skates. The drills and skates can all be evaluated by quite precise technical parameters, and have thus been highly optimized. The transport of the muscle force onto the skate’s blade is controlled by the athlet’s ??? move control ???. Unfortunately, this is currently beyond practically applicable measuring devices; currently this important performance component is controlled and optimized only by emotion and experiences of both the athlet and the coach.

Goals: A short-track force analyzer that
(1) monitors the the various forces along a short-track skate’s blade,
(2) allows for both online and offline monitoring and analysis, and
(3) allows for the integration of further neurological parameters.

Approaches: This project explores a combination of the following approaches:
(1) Utility of off-the-shell force sensors, such as ??? dehnungsmessstreifen ??? and piezoelectrical sensors.
(2) Utility of self-developed integrated capacitive sensors
(3) SD-memory card vs. wireless data transmission.

Results: The first STAN prototyp (core concepts):
(1) has been successfully tested in a very first prototype

Research Team: Prof. Dr. Sven Bruhn, and Ralf Salomon


Selected Publications:
