Research Awards
Our research activities including our students’ master and diploma theses and spinoff projects have received the following awards and appreciations:
2nd place @ Venture Cup-MV, Category Research Team 2011
iHeal: Diagnosing Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Ruptures
Ralf Joost, Martin Behrens, Prof. Dr. Sven Bruhn, Ralf Salomon, and Prof. Dr. med. Wolfram Mittelmeier (mentor)
1st place @ Rostocker Ideenwettbewerb 2010
The Little Starfish (Seesternchen) - an Energy-Efficient Monitoring Device for Swimming Activities
Dipl.-Ing. Gerald Bieber, Marian Lüder, Matthias Hinkfoth, Prof. Dr. Bodo Urban (mentor), and Ralf Salomon (mentor)
1st place @ Venture Cup-MV, Category Research Team 2009
iFall: The Unexpected-Fall Detection Device
Marian Lüder, Dipl.-Ing. Gerald Bieber, Ralf Salomon, Prof. Dr. Bodo Urban (mentor)
1st place @ Ludwig-Bölkow-Nachwuchspreis 2008
Design and Implementation of an HMAC-Co-Processor
Stefan Pfeiffer and Ralf Salomon (supervisor)
Appreciation @ Ludwig-Bölkow-Nachwuchspreis 2007
The Role of Air Pressure in the Context of Activity Monitoring
Marian Lüder, Dipl.-Ing. Gerald Bieber (supervisor), and Ralf Salomon (supervisor)
Special Price @ Ludwig-Bölkow-Nachwuchspreis 2007
Position Determination by Means of Two-Dimensional Photo Diodes
Jens Rohbeck (Schulz) and Ralf Salomon (supervisor)
Please keep in mind that several of these projects are collaborations with other research groups. For further details and a more complete list, please visit the institute’s web site.
Teaching Awards
Our contribution "The Nature of Sound and why Beat Boxing is so Cool" has received the Communication Award of the Lange Nacht der Wissenschaft 2010. The team members were Marian Lüder, Enrico Heinrich, Stefan Goldmann, Daniel Stolzenberg, and Ralf Salomon.